Interview with CEO of "Her Hustle. "

Interview with CEO of "Her Hustle. "

Introducing Neicy, evangelist, hair magician, conquerer, clothing, jewelry, and her brand "Her Hustle. " Neicy has been my beautician for about a decade. I first came to her after I had badly damaged my hair taking down a weave. I was led to the shop and I am grateful to find an equal spirit and love of the lord. I have grown as a black business woman because of Neicy and her shop growth and clothing designs, jewelry, and friendship has been a Godsend.

0:00 wonderful in my life you guys know that

0:02 I always buy products I do things

0:04 because they are the products I like the

0:06 places I like to be this is my

0:08 beautician she keeps me lovely and

0:09 lovely so she's going to tell us a

0:11 little bit about something that I'm

0:13 going to be doing that she is my

0:15 collaborator with

0:25 our body oils are way better than

0:28 colognes and perfumes because colognes

0:31 and perfume carry alcohol base which

0:35 evaporates and it only lasts as long as

0:38 you spray it and continue to spread well

0:41 body oils have a different thing they

0:44 work according to chemistry so we also

0:47 offer male and female

0:49 body oils

0:51 um by designer

0:54 um by uh Bath and Body Works all of

0:58 those fragrances which you like and they

1:02 last until you wash them off

1:04 um that's the purpose of the body oil

1:06 you can smell it you can't smell it but

1:09 other people can still smell it and all

1:12 day long as long as you have it on

1:13 you're going to smell great that's smart 1:16 and I just want you guys to actually

1:17 look at um this is what this is going to

1:20 be added to our Stores

1:22 um I actually took it to my event that

1:24 if any of you guys watched it at

The 1:26 Institute so I'm really grateful for

1:28 Niecy for giving me this opportunity and

1:31 for being a collaborator she is an

1:34 entrepreneur and you know I just really

1:35 got to take you guys through some of her

1:37 things that she has actually created in

1:39 her clothing line as well so Nissa if

1:41 you don't mind can we just kind of give

1:43 us some of the things that you have been

1:45 she is creating these her um her brand

1:47 is her hustle and I'm going to make sure

1:49 I add that to the video but I want you

1:52 to see what this amazing woman does she

1:54 is like my hero

1:58 one of my jeans that I designed

2:01 um with the stones on them

2:04 um wide legs I carry plus sizes all

2:09 sizes of and

2:12 um like vessels I have personality

2:16 jackets with a personality jacket is is

2:19 made up of Who You Are

2:23 um also

2:24 one of my summer oh you didn't show me

2:27 those

2:29 right I like that I love it oh I love it

2:32 I love it what size are those

2:35 I'm always I look glamorous too when she

2:37 does my hair you can't get better than

2:39 it and Jewelry

2:42 and I'm like

2:43 um Thai guys

2:45 all kinds of things that I do and so

2:49 guys just so you know Niecy is actually

2:51 she I mean she is a seamstress she is

2:53 doing she's sewing she's creating you

2:56 know by hand which is something that you

2:58 don't find a lot of she is a part of the

3:01 collective at Bayshore so if you ever

3:03 get down there please go ahead and check

3:06 out her shop she's just an amazing woman

3:08 thank you Niecy for allowing me to put

3:10 this out to my viewers and we appreciate

3:12 you as a black business owner here in

3:14 Milwaukee you're welcome thank you for

3:17 having me

3:18 yeah yeah that's awesome it is 3:24 now

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